
Daily Greens Plus

Daily Greens Plus



Thorne’s Daily Greens Plus provides a blend of great-tasting, clinically studied ingredients that support a healthy mind and body.* Daily Greens Plus provides a comprehensive approach to foundational nutrition, with the added focus of supporting healthy aging.* This unique greens powder formula combines the highest-quality sources of green nutrition with adaptogens that support a healthy stress response and adrenal function, as well as an antioxidant blend that boosts the body’s defenses against oxidative damage, and a mushroom blend that promotes optimal immune function.*

What sets Daily Greens Plus apart is Thorne’s approach to total transparency. Every ingredient amount and blend is listed on the label – with no “proprietary blend” in sight. We eliminate the guesswork from your greens – so you know exactly what you are putting in your body.

Benefits of the ingredients in Thorne’s Daily Greens Plus:

  • Cellular health and energy production is enhanced for a greens powder you can feel*
  • Greens-based support helps provide foundational daily nutrition*
  • Added benefit to a well-rounded approach to a healthy aging lifestyle*
  • Support for cognitive performance and having a clear head*
  • Promotes a healthy stress response and optimal immune function*
  • Helps protect against environmental stressors that can cause cellular damage*
  • Benefits physical endurance, as well as physical and mental recovery*
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