
Vaginal Rejuvenation in Newnan And Griffin

Women Health/Vaginal Rejuvenation

A reduced sexual desire or uncomfortable sexual activity can be a taboo topic that many women are uncomfortable discussing. Decreased blood flow or lack of interest can be normal at any age, and at Absolute Wellness and Aesthetics, we are here to listen and help if this is something you’re experiencing with the help of Votiva.

Votiva is a procedure for women’s health and wellness, combining gentle volumetric heating with fractional treatment to treat both internal and external concerns without the need for surgery. Votiva with Forma V is a therapeutic device for the treatment of sexual dysfunction. It is used to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor to increase muscle tone using radiofrequency heat. Votiva with Morpheus is a fractional treatment promoting tissue remodeling.


Votiva is a procedure for women’s health and wellness, combining gentle volumetric heating with fractional treatment. Votiva with Forma V is a therapeutic device for treating sexual dysfunction and is used to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor to increase muscle tone. Votiva with Morpheus is a fractional treatment promoting tissue remodeling.

If you experience the side effects of childbirth or menopause, such as leaky bladder, loss of sensation, dryness, or less enjoyment with sexual intercourse, then you are a perfect candidate for VOTIVA.

Votiva uses two complementary technologies to address your health and wellness concerns. Votiva is painless and uses radiofrequency and heat to tighten the pelvic muscles, which helps with urinary continence (leakage of urine with stressors such as sneezing/exercise), tighter vaginal wall muscles, tightened inner and outer vaginal skin. Patients also report better lubrication and heightened sexual response.

During treatment, a small wand is applied to the area delivering safe and effective heat and radiofrequency.

We recommend one treatment per month for three months and then once yearly to maintain results.

The procedure takes about 30 minutes with little to no downtime.

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